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Connecting to Salesforce#

First Steps with Salesforce#

Set up an account with Salesforce.


Prices vary depending on which Salesforce Product you are working with.

Rate Limits

Your account plan tier will limit the number of API requests per 24-hour period. Current rate limits for each account tier are available in Salesforce's documentation .

How to Connect DataDistillr to Salesforce#

To set up a data source connection for Salesforce, you will need to have:

Data Source Form#

To locate the Salesforce form, follow the steps in Connecting Your Data to DataDistillr. When you get to the window to choose the data source type, select API as shown below.

Select API from the available choices

On the API screen, select Salesforce from the list of API types as shown in the image below.

Select Salesforce API from available choices

The following form will appear. Instructions are below on how to find the information required to fill each field on the Salesforce API form.

Once you have filled out all the fields, press the green 'Save' button, and your API will be connected!

Salesforce form

Salesforce set-up#

Before you can connect your Salesforce data to DataDistillr, you need to do some set-up in your Salesforce profile.

When you set up your Salesforce account, you should have received an email that looks like the one below. This gives you the URL to access your Salesforce account, as well as your Username.

Salesforce Account Info

Navigate to the URL found in the email, and type in your Username and Password.

Salesforce Login Screen

In the top right corner, click on the gear icon. From the dropdown menu, select Setup.

Salesforce Settings

In the left-hand navigation panel, scroll down to the PLATFORM TOOLS section. Under Apps, select App Manager.

Setup Home find App Manager

In the top right corner of the App Manager screen, select New Connected App.

Select New Connected App

In the Form that appears, fill out the following sections under Basic Information: Connected App Name, API Name, and Contact Email.

Basic Information Section

Scroll down to the section titled "API (Enable OAuth Settings)".

  • Check the box next to Enable OAuth Settings
  • For Callback URL, copy and paste the Callback URL found in the DataDistillr API Form
  • For Selected OAuth Scopes, select "Full Access (full)" and "Perform requests at any time (refresh_token, offline_access)" and Add them to the list of Selected OAuth Scopes

Configure API info

Scroll down to the bottom of the form and press Save, then wait approximately 10 minutes for the changes to take effect.

Save Salesforce config


Enter any name that will help you recognize this data source from within your query window.

Acceptable Characters Include

  • lowercase alphanumeric characters
  • underscores

Consumer Key, Consumer Secret#

Follow steps 1-4 in Salesforce set-up to Navigate to the App Manager, then follow the directions below to find your Consumer Key.

Once you are in the App Manager, find the Connected App you created. Ours is named ddr_webapp. Click on the downward facing arrow at the Right to expand a selection panel. Select View.

View Connected App

You can find the consumer key and consumer secret in the section labeled "API (Enable OAuth Settings)". Copy and paste these values into the Salesforce Data Source Form.

Consumer and Secret


The subdomain can be found in the original email, referenced above, or in the URL. The subdomain is the part found at the beginning of the URL between https:// and In the example below, the subdomain is datadistillr3 .

Salesforce subdomain


Please see the Salesforce API Reference that corresponds to your Salesforce product of interest for more on Salesforce's endpoints.

The table below shows a list of endpoints available to connect to within the DataDistillr application. If you need to connect to any endpoints not listed in the table below, please use the Custom APIs Form.

Endpoint Required Optional Description
/chatter/users Returns information about all users in an organization.
/chatter/users/:user_id user_id Returns information about a specific user.

The endpoints above will display as follows in the nav tree once your API has successfully connected.

Salesforce Nav Tree

Sample Queries#

The following queries are intended to help you get started, and make life simpler querying within your API.

For the following examples, suppose that my Salesforce API data source was called salesforceapi, and I want to query an endpoint. The endpoint goes after the Salesforce data source name:

FROM Clause

FROM `salesforceapi`.`<ENDPOINT>`

Get Users Endpoint#

This query returns chatter user info for a specific user ID.

FROM `salesforceapi`.`/chatter/users/:user_id`
WHERE `user_id` = '1234a12345A1BCDEF2' LIMIT 1000